During the summer of COVID I started to buy a bunch of things from Aliexpress. A big portion of these things was counterfeit/clone knives. It is illegal to buy counterfeit knives and try to resell them as the genuine article. I purchased these to get an idea of what the knives were like to get a better sense if I wanted to buy the genuine version. I also feel like these knives can be used for spare parts if they fit the originals and give you some fun options for different color scales, screws and etc. Reviews from Top to Bottom of the Image Above. Aliexpress PM2 ($15): The best of the bunch. Centering is great and the G10 scales are very nice. If these scales fit the actual PM2 this knife would make an amazing donor body. The action was smooth out of the box and the blade grind very consistent. Although the PM2 is a little too big for me I can see why this is so popular. (9/10) Bugout ($20): An ok knife overall. The best parts about this knife are the very smooth ac...